Invisalign for older people

13 January 2025

4 min read

Teeth straightening – either with traditional metal braces or Invisalign clear plastic aligners – is less common among older people.

And there may even be an assumption that Invisalign is not an option for the older and wiser among us.


The good news is that many older adults, including those in their 70s and beyond, are benefiting from the new smile confidence of the discreet and effective Invisalign system.

Invisalign pros and cons for older adults

If your gums and jawbone are healthy, you could be a candidate for treatment – regardless of your age.

Invisalign patients wear their clear aligners for most of the day but remove them for eating – as well as for drinking anything other than water.

After eating, simply brush your teeth and pop the aligners back in.

This is a convenient treatment that can fit into your lifestyle – whatever your age.

We will give you a series of aligners, which you change every one or two weeks.

Each set of aligners gradually guides your teeth towards their final straight position. The aligners are almost invisible so no one needs to know you’re having treatment.

Am I too old for Invisalign?

If you've been feeling self-conscious about your smile for many years, then maybe it's time to finally put things right. It's never been more convenient… and you deserve it!

Invisalign can deal with common alignment issues even if they’ve been there for years.

Our older patients tell us they love the buzz that comes with feeling proud of their smile for the first time.

They say they now feel confident about smiling or laughing and are now happy to be in photos.

From an oral health point of view, straighter teeth are easier to clean and can reduce the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

As mentioned earlier, a healthy jaw and healthy gums are the key to eligibility for this treatment.

Our caring dentists can check to see if you're a good candidate.

They can also tell you everything you need to know about Invisalign and how it could work for you – and answer all your questions.


1 – Invisalign consultation & assessment

+ Examination and assessment of oral health and eligibility + In-depth conversation with your dentist + Consideration of all options + 3D images of your how your smile will look during treatment and afterwards

2 – Invisalign treatment starts

+ Your teeth become straighter as treatment progresses!

3 – Invisalign big reveal

+ Treatment finishes and you have a beautiful new smile

Contact us now to make an appointment or to find out more.

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